Thursday 27 June 2013

One night in Bangkok....

09/06/13 to 12/06/13 Bangkok

….ok so technically it was two, but I am not going to let that get in the way of a good title. Our imminent departure for Bangkok was, for me (Ben) at least filled with trepidation. Firstly there was the infamous (for scams) Poipet border crossing into Thailand and secondly, well, I’d been there before….

Bangkok was the first stop on what is the archetypal gap year round the world trip for me. Originally traveling to Thailand for a climbing stop due to unfortunate circumstances I ended up doing that leg alone too.
So there I was 18 years old and even more naïve than I am now and this was my first trip outside of the UK totally on my own. Arriving into Bangkok after 16hrs sleepless hours in the air was a hot and sweaty slap in the face. If you’ve never been I am not the writer to express the noise, hustle and I do mean hustle, and bustle of Kao sanh road, the dirty, smelly leaching hive of backpackerdom in the city. But suffice to say I had culture shock.
My first night in the city I sat alone and scared in a hotel room and wondered how the fuck am I going to cope with this!? I have never felt as alone or scared since and the next morning I was on a train to beaches in the south.

It was therefore with some trepidation that i prepared for the return. After crossing the border without incident and sitting in a minivan hurdling to the city I realised I felt a sense of calm. It would be different this time. I’d seen worse in the last 5 months alone surely. Fuck it, I’d been to the Soviet heartland!

Hopping through Bangkok’s Mass transit system of skytrain and metro to our out of the way guest house it felt the same as any big city, it was nothing like I had remembered. We were helped to our guest house by a girl living near it upon exiting the metro as we clearly looked lost and we checked into a sublime little city oasis. Street food that night was the cheapest meal we have had yet and it was awesome!
Drunken noodles, massive prawns. Awesome

The next day we hopped on the local bus to Kao Sanh road as Vi was interested to see it and it would provide our best chance of finding a Laos guide in the city. Getting off the bus and strolling through the rambling backpacker dominated district which has spread like mould out of the hub of Kao sanh road I felt a sort of homecoming. There was the little café I bought my first yellow curry, that’s the same hotel, it felt familiar….. it felt…. tame.
Away from the seeder spots and Bangkok can be beautiful

It was like meeting the bully from your school days and realising you have both grown up and left that confined environment and while they peaked in school and ruled the roost, you have embraced the world.

The area of Kao sanh road IS a tourist site for any Bangkok visit and if traveling alone it’s a great place for getting roaring drunk. But it’s also expensive, tacky and as far from authentic Bangkok as you can get. The food is awful compared to elsewhere (we had the worst Pad Thai we have EVER eaten here). I had out grown it. Maybe because I have matured and traveled so much since that first visit, with visits to plenty other crazy places even prior to this trip. Maybe I have become that bold intrepid traveler! Or maybe and perhaps more likely it was just because I had Vi holding my hand….

 Did you think i forgot...

Pick of the day: Cozy Place Guesthouse, Bangkok

Style: Western throne

Atmosphere: Technicolour

Extras: So i forgot to get a shot of this loo, which considering its main highlight is the nicely mosaic'd broken multicoloured tiles covering the walls coupled with a little mood lighting makes this one of the best decorated loos of the trip yet. We will probably be back on the way south. Wait till then!

Angkor Whaaat?

Pick of the Day: Public loos, the temples

Style: Western sit or Squat... to many choices

Atmosphere: Educational

Extras: This loo is relatively unremarkable, aside from it seems a little russian roulettly as to whether you get a stall containing a western sit or a squat. The BEST thing is the signage detailing exactly how to use each. The urinals have signs to tell you not to wash your hands in them. Brilliant.

02/06/13 to 09/06/13 Siem Reap, Angkor Wat and Ton Sap lake 

Thanks to the lovely people at our Kampot guesthouse we had a relaxing and air conditioned trip to Siem Reap and arrived to find that we had left one guesthouse run by a couple of French hippies and arrived at another run by ageing English rockers.
Yup its a street full of pubs... and hookers. Siem Reap, classy.

It was almost a home from home. There was a cat called Branston, there was baked potatoes, cheese on toast and cider and best of all (for Ben) there was marmite!

We decided to see the temples of Angkor Wat at a slower pace than most and so decided to invest in a week long pass for the temple complexes and then spent the rest of our day wandering around Siem Reap old town and checking out the markets.
Even so, we gave it a miss.

*Interesting fact: Siem Reap is named to celebrate the “rape of Siam”, the Siamese being the Thai Kingdom, Cambodia’s old enemy.

On our second day we decided to rent bikes and start slow, doing half of what is called the ‘small circuit’. There are two circuits (basically roads) at the Angkor Wat complex which apparently traditionally should be completed on elephant back, adventurer-style. The temple complex, to clarify, consists of Angkor Wat itself and the nearby Angkor Thom and Bayon which consist of the main temple sights. Then further out are more of the smaller temples. Further out again and only accessible by long Tuk Tuk rides are the outlying temples. Confusingly all of it is referred to as Angkor Wat. The temples were built by a succession of Khmer Empire kings and priests (hindu and Buddhist and a Hindhist mash up of the two) from around the 10th- 15th centuries and Angkor Wat is thought to be the largest religious building in the world. It was ‘discovered’ by the French in the mid 19th century although all Cambodians know that the temples were never actually lost, just abandoned  and it can’t take much in terms of Indiana Jones type escapades to find a temple a couple of miles down the road from town with the help of a friendly local.
Even the less notable outlying temples are stunning

Anyway on this particular day we didn’t actually see any of the main temples at Angkor Wat but the minor temples were impressive enough and it was nice to build up to it. We got pretty sweaty on the cycle round and discovered a whole troop of monkeys complete with tiny baby monkeys on our way back which was very cute.
You need to be careful walking through less traveled doorways!

The following day we cycled in again and decided to see the major sites of the Bayon, Angkor Thom and Angkor Wat (a 37km loop!). All 3 were incredible but rather controversially Ben and I liked the Bayon the best. It was really atmospheric and the carvings were just beautiful even hundreds of years after they were made. Angkor Wat was also obviously beautiful but in a way its popularity marred it a little as individual tourists are at constant risk of trampling from marauding packs of Chinese/Japanese/Korean tour groups (we can tell the difference but there really were a lot of them). Trying to get a real feel for the place is more tricky when you end up trapped behind people trying to get the perfect picture of the temple tops poking out of their heads with no apparent awareness of the hundreds of people trying to get past/round them. The Bayon has the advantage of at least 2 flights of steep steps making it only available to the truly adventurous and vertigo-savvy tourist. We cycled home in the dark having fruitlessly hung around in the hope of catching sunset at Angkor Wat and got caught in a thunderstorm on the way home. It rained hard enough to actually wash the contact lenses out of my eyes at one point and the lightning flashes were truly terrifying. So far this year over 50 people have died in Cambodia from being hit by lightning and we were in the eye of it on metal bikes. Suffice to say our shorts were a little browner by the time we got home.
Stone beats Paper, but Tree beats stone


Intricate carving at the Bayon

Sunrise and the many faces of the Bayon

Dusk and dawn are the best times to explore

The next day we took as a rest day, seeing as hard seated bikes with no gears or suspension on dodgy roads can leave you a little tender in the rump area. We took a little trip to a silk farm which was fascinating although I felt a little sorry for the silk worms that got boiled in their cosy little cocoons to extract the silk. We then spent the rest of the afternoon blissfully sat in a coffee shop, reading and thinking about everything and nothing.
Silk worms munching on mulberry leaves

Silk weaving. New found respect for the effort involved in this.

The next day started at dawn to see Angkor Wat in the early morning light which was really lovely and a little less crowded and then took a tuk tuk to Banterey Srey which in our opinion is a very under-appreciated temple. It is much smaller than most of the others and a good hour away from the main temple complex but the carvings were more intricate and beautiful than anything we had seen elsewhere. Having got up at 4:45am we decided that an afternoon nap was in order and following that we popped down to a 5* hotel down the road where for a bargain $8 each spent an afternoon by the pool and got an hour long Khmer massage. Word of warning: khmer massage apparently translates to tiny Cambodian lady with fingers of steel spending an hour bending your limbs into positions you didn’t know were anatomically possible whilst attempting to prise your muscles off their bony connections. I was sore for 2 days afterwards.
Morning light and the intricate carving on a different stone type at Banterey Srey
The South Library at Angkor Wat

How to get Angkor Wat to yourself. Wait for the mother of all storms. Warning: May get wet.

Carvings on the outside of Angkor Wat

The Wat

Sunrise and the outer moat

Our last full day in Siem Reap saw us up at dawn again this time to see the Bayon in the very early morning light which was lovely. We forgoed the lunchtime nap this time in order to fit in an early afternoon trip to Ton Sap lake to see the floating villages. These really are entire villages that float on the lake complete with schools, shops and petrol stations.  Sadly the trip was a bit of a let down as the water level was so low that we were not allowed anywhere near the villages and had to gaze from afar. We spent the afternoon desperately writing postcards (always seem to get written on the very last day we are in a country!)
Fishing and dancing. Cambodians love to multitask

Lick of paint before the wet season

This happened a lot. Don't visit the lake in the dry season!

Finally it was time for one last early start, this time to catch the bus to Bangkok, with feelings of slight trepidation.

Friday 21 June 2013

Turn left at the crab

Pick of the Day: Dorm bathroom, 88 Hostel, Phnom Penh

Style: Western Sit w/ bum gun

Atmosphere: Two tone

Extras: Being the bathroom for the dorm room this obviously also came with a shower and sink, but as i assume you are all familiar with these i'll focus on the one addition that i am surprised we haven't seen elsewhere: Reading material! Some kind (forgetful) soul left (forgot) the book they had been reading here. The joy of reading on the loo is perhaps something only we in the west with our thrones of porcelain truly understand. It made me a tad homesick.

24/05/13 to 02/06/13: Phnom Penh, Kampot and Kep

Having successfully negotiated our way into the country we had a cross-country trip on some of the worst roads we had yet seen with the noisiest, most annoying 3 year old child sat directly behind us. We arrived in Phnom Penh with the knowledge that brats are brats the world over and a child can’t be cute enough to stop you wanting to strangle it.

Our first impression of Cambodia was that (apart from Russia) it felt like one of the more dangerous countries we had been to. There was a latent something in the air that gave you the feeling that you shouldn’t be too surprised if someone robbed you using a gun in broad daylight. That said it was also easily one of the poorest countries we had been to so it might have just been a hint of desperation in the air. There was also a definite seediness to Phnom Penh. An evening stroll around the capital showed up quite a lot of middle aged western men complete with badly disguised bald patch and paunch either already in the company of a lithe (maybe) 20year old Cambodian or clearly on the hunt for one.

However, our hotel was a nice chilled place with a pool and its fair share of chirpy deluded hippies for whom the most important pieces of luggage they carried were their guitar and possibly a locally purchased bongo. We could hide from the scary world in here and frequently did!
Cruising the city streets, tourist style

On our first day we decided to go for a walk along the waterfront and have a look at the royal palace and the adjoining silver pagoda. The palace was very beautiful with ornately built tiered roofs covered in brightly coloured tiles set around some pretty gardens. The silver pagoda is so named because the floor is covered in 5000 solid silver tiles weighing over a kilo each. You can only see a small section of it as they have to cover most of the floor to stop the wear and tear of thousands of tourists destroying it but what you can see is magnificent. The silver pagoda also has loads of examples of really intricate Khmer gold work and a golden Buddha decorated with hundreds of diamonds. Whilst at the palace complex it started to rain and as we hid in one of the doorways we got chatting to a Cambodian who had emigrated (or escaped I suppose) to Texas in ’79 just at the end of the Khmer Rouge regime. This was his first time back to his home country since leaving and he was clearly quite emotional about coming back. He said that an awful lot had changed in the intervening time and we certainly believe him.
At the royal palace, heavens about to open

The patio/garden in front of the silver pagoda

We decided to pay a trip to the ‘Russian market’ that afternoon to hunt out some cheap deals in silk and Ben managed to get himself a lovely Bell&Ross watch for a bargain $12. We did later wonder if it was quite such a good deal since later a man at a petrol station offered him $4 for it but never mind.
"I think i remember this bit" Lost in the rabbit warren which is the russian market

The next day we took a tuk tuk tour to go and see some of the less savoury but nevertheless important sights around phnom penh- the school 21 prison and the killing fields.

School 21 was a high school not far from the Russian market in the centre of Phnom Penh which was converted into a prison during the Khmer Rouge regime. It is estimated that around 20,000 people passed through its doors, many of whom were women and children. Once in the prison they were tortured until they confessed to their crimes (being a teacher or growing your own food were considered crimes against the state) and made to name others before being transported to the killing fields for execution. Of all the people held at the prison only 7 survived- a further 14 were killed as the Khmer Rouge fled the prison and are buried in the prison grounds. It’s a chilling place to visit as the tiny brick cells surrounded by barbed wire are still exactly as they were at the time. The Khmer Rouge were also very meticulous in their documentation and photographed every person that passed through their doors, and many after they had died from torture. Those thousands of photos are now on display and there is a whole section of a room devoted to the photographs of the children who were killed in the prison or nearby killing fields. It’s quite haunting. The sense of respect for the dead is slightly diminished by the oddball tourists who decided to have their photographs taken in front of the gallows, of all places.
It says a lot about a people when you need signs to say no laughing. Inside were photos of dead people.

The cells. The Khmer Rouge were so busy killing they didn't even bother with the aesthetics.

We then carried on, creepily enough by the very same road that the transport trucks originally took, to the aptly named killing fields.  This was one of the many places where Khmer Rouge dissidents, intellectuals and ‘enemies of the state’ where taken for execution. Here were pits filled with hundreds of bodies, most of which have not been identified. Some of the bodies have been recovered, catalogued and stored but most still lie beneath the earth and each rainy season the rains wash away the soil from a few more bones which are collected and preserved by the curators. Most of the victims were killed by being hit over the head with farming tools and then had their throats cut. Babies were killed by being hit against one of the big trees. Poison was then thrown over the bodies in the pit to kill any survivors. Creepily enough the killings always happened at night under the cover of loud patriotic music to make it sound like a political gathering. It was an awful place but an interesting tour with many first hand stories of those who had been sent to forced labour camps or had seen family members killed. In all around 2 million people died in the 3 years that the Khmer Rouge were in power which was 1/4 of the country’s population.
You have been warned

After a pretty harrowing day we headed down to the foreign correspondent’s club for a cocktail to settle the nerves.
Sunset cocktails at the Foreign Correspondents Club

The following day we took a bus to Kampot in the south. What was supposed to be a 3 hour bus journey somehow turned into 5 hours and when we finally made it off all of our belongings were covered in a thick layer of red dust. This was supposed to be one of the better buses!
One of the "feature" rooms and the river resort

River side bungalows

We had booked into somewhere that sounded a bit posh for us given that it called itself a riverside eco-resort but was cheap enough so got a tuk tuk to take us. We were sure he must be taking us the wrong way then we turned off the tarmacked road onto a dirt road and then onto a dirt track no wider than the tuk tuk itself and then through somebody’s farm but finally we reached the end of the track by the river. The resort was a beautiful little collection of bamboo huts set by the river in gardens full of mangoes, papaya and lemongrass. It was run by a French hippie couple (think yoga teachers and copious amounts of weed smoked daily) and we were duly greeted by Bert, the Labrador whose job it was to keep rats at bay and escort guests to their rooms at night since there was no outdoor lighting.

Cool clouds over Kampots new bridge, or maybe its old bridge. They both need a little love.

Hat shopping post melting

We had a chilled day the next day where we cycled into Kampot which is a quiet, easy going town. I managed to buy a straw hat in the market for a dollar to try to reduce the effects of the fierce sun and then we headed back and decided to take the boat out. The resort had its own little dugout canoe which we decided to paddle round a loop of the river. It was very heart of darkness with dense jungle pushing in on all sides. We had a little problem on the return journey when it started getting dark and I discovered that ben’s instructions for finding our way back through the myriad of mangrove swamp was ‘turn left at the trees’. Given that we were in a jungle this was less than helpful and we came extraordinarily close to being lost in a watery jungle at night.
Going off in search of Marlon Brando

The following day we hired a scooter and went for a little ride around (essentially dirt biking as there is no road surface- wear a mask and expect to be a dusty orange colour by the end of the day).We went to visit a pepper plantation (Kampot is famous for its awesome pepper) and learnt that green pepper is the fresh, unripe seed (which we never see as it’s only fresh for a few days), black pepper is dried green pepper, red pepper is the green pepper that has been allowed to ripen before being dried and white pepper is red pepper that has been stripped of its outer skin.
Born to be wild
Don't eat pepper right off the bush

We then carried on to the seaside town of Kep where we found a little beachside restaurant and ate tons of fresh crab and enormous prawns for next to nothing. People in Kep like their crab so much you can get is as a take-out dish for a picnic and they have an enormous statue of a blue swimmer crab on the beach. In fairness they do have a lot of statues all over the place- this is apparently because in a country with a relatively low literacy rate people need to find an alternative to road signs to find their way around and ‘turn left at the crab’ seems to work well.
Crab feast (with fresh green pepper), f****** awesome

On our way home it started to rain. Really rain. Hard. We had just pulled in under a tree when a man appeared from his house to wave us in to shelter from the rain. It turned out he was a tuk tuk driver and could therefor speak some English and he invited us into his tiny one room house made of corrugated iron with no expectation of payment or anything in return. He was really friendly and we stayed for an hour but we couldn’t really hide forever as it was getting dark so we bought a couple of ponchos from his sister, thanked him and got very wet on the way home.
Siberia in winter, South East Asia in monsoon. Holidaying. We're doing it right

That night we splashed out on some melon and green pepper margaritas- one of the best cocktails either of us has ever tasted.

Next on the agenda was a scooter ride up to Bogkor Hill Station. This was an old French colonial hill station that had been left to slowly decay, or so we thought. The top of the hill was actually high enough to be quite cold (for Cambodia) and very misty. Most of the ruined villas and the church were still there lending a spooky feel to the place but we also discovered that they had built a concrete monstrosity that was a casino on the top of the hill and were in the process of building another one that was the size of an aircraft hangar.  We are all for the development of tourism in Cambodia to benefit the people but at some point the authorities should probably realise that if people want to go to casinos they will go to Vegas, if they want to see beautiful unspoilt countryside, they come to Cambodia and mixing the two will not work.
Some builders are tidying this Bokor hill station icon up to make it a........ casino.

Only gate posts remain of this pad

That evening was our last in Kampot and we went on a very romantic sunset boat ride up the river and came back in time to see an amazing lightning storm across the coast at Kep.
Didn't find Brando.

The next morning was a rather sad bus ride back to Phnom Penh followed by another long bus journey to Siem Reap.
Not as scary when its a long way away!